Make exercise a habit – it is a very good habit to develop.
You will have more energy, less stress, a stronger immune system, greater health and wellbeing, better circulation and feel happier and more calm
You will look and feel better in every way. Make physical activity part of your daily life.
*Walk- for best results walk 10,000 steps each day.
Socialise with fit, energetic people, join a gym, meet up with a power walking group or start yourown, go bike riding, join a yoga class, do Zumba, buy a dance, exercise or Yoga DVD and use it daily.
Do what suits you best. Become focussed on all aspects of a healthy lifestyle and very soon you willnever want to go back to feeling lazy, tired, fat and unfit. Make the time and effort every day and you willdevelop new healthy, happy habits. You will love the results, you will feel energised and you will increaseyour own motivation as you gain momentum.
*Start slow and gradually get more energetic. You will be amazed at the speed your fitness improves.
Make exercise a habit every day. If you exercise early in the morning, followed by a good protein breakfast, it turns on your metabolism and fat burning hormones.